
The ninja gains additional attack and demand.

This property is activated when there is exactly one ninja or four different ninja.

(1) Ninja Unit Attack Power +50, Order Power +50%

(4) All ninja unit attacks +140, ordering +140%

Same as season one. A dedicated line of ninja champions. It does not appear as the chosen one.

Synergy is only activated when exactly one or four people are present. Synergy effects disappear when two to three people are set up. For your information, it says "one or four accurately," but since it is not a number but a type, the same ninja maintains synergy even if more than one is added.

Since it is activated alone, it is very good for all of its champions to use as mercenaries. Synergy is also easy to match because it has a wide range of shadows/earnings/criminals/mysticians & coordinators.

The four ninjas are woven toward the assassin, centering on Akali. Build up like any other assassin's union, collect ninjas, and change them when all the ninjas come out. Unlike shadow builds, Jed is only a synergy shuttle, and the item is given only the remaining tangent and the rest is all-in to match the alkali core item. If you're lucky, you can give it to Kenen.

The four-nin-one add-on capability in patches 10.21 rose from 120 to 150, then slightly decreased from 10.22 to 140.


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