LOL TFT A family of general

 A family of general skins gain additional capacity, plus +10% for each victory, up to 50%. Flip items are the flags of the general.

The extra superposition of capability is displayed under the feet of the general champions, the highest super superposition when all four beads and red backgrounds shine. Applies to each property and, when combined, the highest superposition. For your information, victories in the battle or the crib rounds before boosting synergy also apply. So if you're going to use the general synergy, you'd better write down your champion in advance. The same is true of objects other than the general. If the flag of the general is given to the flag of the general, the stack can be applied immediately.

Thanks to the additional ability, it shows quite strong performance in the early stages when items and synergies are lacking, and the more you win, the more likely it is to continue winning consecutive games. However, most of the objects are close/low-coast, and the only thing that is added in the end is the simple ability, so the performance tends to be poor in the second half. Similarly, compared to the combination of wooden spirits, the only thing that can be completed with a single synergy is an example, but the completion is very late because it has one nose, and the Carrie line is a bit unstable because it is the assassin Qatarina and the auxiliary craft Azir.


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